
Monday, August 15, 2005


That's my kitten, she's the best in the whole world. Her name is Pandora and I love her dearly. Lately I have been feeling sad and she is always there to snuggle me or bite me, you know whatever way she feels like expressing her love at the moment. I have found that pets have an innate ability to sense when you are sad, even if you are not showing any signs of it.

Interesting Tidbits About Pandora

* Pandora is extremely intelligent. One of the things I have trained her to do, or rather she does for me out of love is: Spider Hunting. This is especially handy when I want to take a bath. I simply call Pandora and she follows me to the bathroom. This is where she springs into action. At this point she lunges into the tub, you know to stake it out. Once she has decided the area is spider free she jumps back out and looks at me as if to say, "You're all set Mom". If there is a spider in the tub she will meow once she sees it, and then kill it. Sometimes she even disposes of it for me by making it a spider snack! :-)

* Pandora is mischievous just like her mommy. I like to watch suspense or horror flicks sitting on the couch Indian-style with a blanket over me. Pandora likes to watch them with me, but only of course because she has an ulterior motive. I will sit there innocently watching this scary movie all bundled up in the dark. She will lay near me on the floor also watching it, but waiting for just that right moment. Once it gets to that moment, you know the moment right before the alien monster or crazed maniac jumps out. And right at that moment she will sneak over and just before it happens....She will bite my toe. I kid you not. It's always only a love bite, but man does that make you jump. She's also done it to friends when I have had them over to watch a movie. In fact once, when my good friend Julia was over watching a scary snake movie with me she got her. It was hilarious I'm pretty sure we were watching anaconda, and right at that moment where they're all watching the water and right before the snake jumps on the boat; Pandora took both paws (no claws of couse) and grabbed Julias' foot. She about jumped out of her seat, and I laughed so hard I was crying.

* One of Pandora's favorite games is what I call "Bubbles". I call pandora over, usually by saying "Hey pandora wanta play Bubbles?". At this point I grab the catnip flavored/scented bubbles (that in itself is pretty funny) and start blowing bubbles. Once I get a big enough one I will say "Get the bubble Pandora". At which point she will jump into the air and with both paws pop the bubble. Its pretty impressive actually. This lasts maybe twenty bubbles and then Pandora is sufficiently feeling the "nip" and will then pounce them as the hit the carpet. Which is still pretty entertaining. Posted by Picasa


At 11:23 AM, Blogger Lavenderstrawbry said...

Thanks anonymous! I really appreciate that. I tried to check out your site but the link didn't work. :-(


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