
Saturday, September 19, 2009

So I desperately want a dragon....

SO I desperately want a dragon. I've mentioned it to Jeffrey, and the conversation went like this:

"So, um...I really, really, really want a dragon. You know for like Christmas or something."
"I really can't think of anything I'd rather have."
" want...a what?"
"A dragon."
"Um...ok. But um where would you keep a dragon? You do know eventually they get really big, right?
"Well, yeah, but if I had a dragon...would I really need anything else?"
"Well other than you of course!"
"Right, but I don't think a DRAGON would exactly fit in your apartment..."
"He could live outside, by the creek."
"Don't you think someone would notice a dragon out by the creek?"
"Dragons are magical, and more than likely they can make themselves invisible if need be."
"You do know they eat a lot right?"
"I know, but dragons can hunt their own food."
"I don't think the neighbors would appreciate if their llama went missing."
"True...but I'm sure my dragon would be very conscientious about where he hunted."
"He could hunt up in the mountains or something."
"Ok, so what about Pandora?"
"I think Pandora would love my dragon!"
"What if HE tried to EAT Pandora?"
"Dragons don't eat cat's, silly."
"Ok, but how would you even communicate with your dragon?"
"Well, some dragons talk. And ALL of them have some sort of telepathic link with their riders."
" now you want to ride the dragon too?!"
"What else would I do with a dragon?"
"Well I......I don't--"
"Yeah, so if I had dragon egg under the tree for Christmas....I would just be so happy."
" SO you want a dragon that's magical and telepathic, that will hunt his own food and let you ride him, and oh won't eat Pandora?"
"Yeah. Maybe he could even tell me what that cat is actually thinking..."
"Dragons are telepathic, remember? I wouldn't be surprised if they could form a link with say a cat. Then I could finally know what actually goes through that cat's head. Heh...she's such a cute cat."
"So you want a DRAGON....for Christmas?"
"Yep. Well an egg really. It would fit right under the Christmas tree, and you wouldn't even have to wrap it or anything."
"I uh...ok..uh..I'll get right..on..that..."
"Thanks hunny, you're the best!"
"I uh...yep I'll just go find me a dragon egg...."

Ok so I don't actually expect him to get me a dragon for Christmas, and yes that was pretty much the conversation. But I have to say, I love the idea of a dragon. The freedom, the power, the beauty of the bond shared with one's dragon, and the magic of it all are actually rather intoxicating to imagine. Besides, there's nothing wrong with dreaming right? And although I know a real dragon is not actually possible inside the realm of this world...I am very appreciative for the existance of them in others. And, yes most of the books I have read lately deal with dragons and their awesomeness.

I really love to read, imagine, and create. I wish more people would find ways to do those things in their lives. I love that I have a sweetie who would at least entertain the idea of me having a Dragon.

And, yes, if it were possible, he really would get me one.