
Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm going to start Blogging again....

Ryan has encouraged me to start blogging again....and since I found myself up late....

I am really excited about tomorrow. If tomorrow goes the way I want it to, I will tell you all about it! Let's just say I got information today that was very encouraging and tomorrow I will know for sure. Oh erm wait...I mean today...hehe.

Have you ever noticed how the process of organizing creates total chaos around you while you're in the process? Heh....I'm at the chaotic point, but it sure feels good to be on my way to the serene place organization can put you. Going through old stuff can be hard, bitter sweet, and bring back a whole flood of memories I am not always prepared for. IT can also be fun when you find cool stuff or old letters you haven't seen in ages. I laughed as I read through old cards from past birthdays and different holidays, and laughed even harder when I found some pictures of me with past boyfriends. There's this one in particular of me with my old best friend Laura and our boys of the moment. It was before I joined the church and I was wearing the shortest black skirt ( I used to be in really great ). Also funny because when I bought it I decided it wasn't that short because it almost went all the way to my fingertips( Grandma's suggestion). Of course what I didn't think about, is I have a short torso and long legs so the skirt appeared even shorter on me. I remember the look on my Grandma's face the first time I wore it, and then the subsequent look when I showed her it's relationship to my fingertips. "Look Grandma, it's fine. I totally did what you said.", I assured her. I am sure my Grandma had forgotten the old adage does not work the same way on different body types. Another funny thing is Laura always said I was such a prude because my moral code in regards to my clothing choices was pretty simple, for examble when I wore short skirts, I never were overly revealing tops or if I wore revealing tops they were always accompanied by pants otherwise you crossed the line into skankville...I used to say....all in moderation, right?

Pretty funny stuff considering my clothing choices now. I love long skirts now, but I don't think I even owned one until I joined the church...hehe.

As an aside, Laura was devastated when I joined the church. She had thought I was a prude before, so she hated the idea of me being even more "prudish". In her eyes it meant I was going to "judge" her for everything she did...erm or was doing at that time. She still doesn't accept that I'm a member of the Church, and consequently our relationship has deteriorated. Kinda sad considering we were inseparable before that. On the other hand my other really good friend Michelle (We've been friends just about as long), likes to lovingly tease me, but it has never phased her. I think it's an interesting thought because you learn a lot about yourself and your friends as life takes it's different twists and turns on it's own or based on the decisions we make for ourselves. It hasn't always been easy, but I know that I made the right choice.


At 10:52 PM, Blogger Ryann Pinnegar said...

Hooray! It sounds like the unpacking project is moving forward. Mine isn't. I'm excited to hear news. ♥ rp


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