
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Driving in the Rain

Rain falls lightly onto my windshield as I drive. A road winds and twists in front of me through two montains that peak just at the top of my view. In thier space clouds are dark and daunting. It's haunting really. Beautiful yet haunting. It seems alluring with its almost melancholy beauty, I can't help but feel its emotion. It's funny how sometimes the world reflects how you feel inside with air around you. In my review mirror I see that the clouds are darker behind me. I imagine in a few more turns of the road a single sun ray will escape the clouds. But, I don't dare hope for a rainbow.

Tears fill my eyes. Reunions are always bittersweet like that. There is so much excitement before you go. You have so much fun while you are there and are completely overjoyed to be there. Then it's time to go, and you are sad to leave.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


"...she is led by love. The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe. "

That is by for far my favorite movie quote from my favorite movie "The Village". I did not quote it in it's entiretly so that those of you who have not seen it, will not have it be spoiled for you. This is another, and it's safe to quote completely.

"Ivy Walker: I know why you denied my sister. When I was younger, you used to hold my arm when I walked. Then suddenly you stopped. One day, I even tripped in your presence and nearly fell. I was faking, of course, but still you did not hold me. Sometimes we don't do things we want to do so that others will not know we want to do them."

Funny, those rather sum up how I feel today.

Friday, December 02, 2005


It's funny, I have blogged so little that I don't think anyone actually reads my blog anymore. This dismayed me at first, but now I can write whatever I want and it won't matter. Not that I was particularily censoring before, but somehow this feels freely. Sometimes I worry about writing something that seems stupid or unimportant, but no more.....wa hahaha!

Today is a good day. There is not anything really extraordinarily interesting or entertaining going on but nevertheless it is a good day. I have been very ill since last wednesday, and for four of those days I couldn't really eat anything. Yesterday I was able to eat food other than saltine crackers and I think that's just fabulous. If you must know I had chicken skewers and chicken wings with a sweet chili sauce. I pretty much ate protien which makes sense after not eating anything substantial for so long.

Anyhow my break is over, and I am sure there is some crazy customer who is just dying to yell at a banker. It is after all the beginning of the month.